Christmas Card Tutorial - colorful Christmas tree embroidery on pink linen made into card
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Christmas Card Tutorial. greeting card with hand embroidery

Step-By-Step Christmas Card Tutorial And Free Embroidery Pattern Download

Now it’s this time of the year when our mind is occupied with the Christmas hustle and bustle. We put up the tree, turn on the lights, bake cookies, and wrap the gifts…

During this holiday marathon, we sometimes forget that showing a little attention is more important than all the expensive gifts and all the glitter. 

Postcard with Christmas tree embroidery on pink linen, white envelope and pine cone
Postcard with Christmas tree embroidery on pink linen

Sending a handwritten holiday greeting card is a perfect way to show your friends or family how much you care. And you can create it with your hands! This simple step-by-step Christmas card tutorial will help you to make a handmade greeting card with your embroidery that would be a precious sign of your attention.

“To write is human, to receive a letter: Divine!”Susan Lendroth

Did I convince you? If yes, let’s get to work!

Handmade card with Christmas tree embroidery

DIY christmas card with hand embroidery

Step-by-step hand embroidery tutorial

Tools and Materials



  • Fabric. I used linen fabric.
  • Embroidery floss. You will find color codes of DMC embroidery floss in the pattern download. Three color pallets are available for this project.
  • Folded blank greetings card 13,5 x 13,5 cm (5,3 x 5,3 inches). I have used precut one, but you can definitely make it yourself from heavy paper (240 gsm would be perfect).


Print the Christmas tree pattern you downloaded and transfer the design to your chosen fabric. If your fabric is light-colored, I recommend to use Lightbox method for pattern transfer.

Embroidery and card making tools

Now embroider a colorful Christmas Tree with the Blanket stitch.

Start with the lowest row. Then, add the rows of the blanket stitch moving up.

Embroider Christmas tree

After you finish all the rows of the blanket stitch (the tree), add some snowflakes with the Lazy Daisy stitches. Embroider one snowflake on top of the tree and some more – around it. Make as many snowflakes as you wish.

Embroider Snowflakes

Make a card.

On the paper card, mark the shape of the embroidery you want to attach, leaving the edges – 0,5 cm (0.2 inches). For example, if your embroidery is 10 x 10 cm – you should mark a square of 9 x 9 cm centered on the card.

Apply the paper glue inside the shape you have drawn. Do not go out of the lines, as the glue may leave glitter signs. 

Attach the embroidery on the card. Start from the center and gently slide the fabric with your finger toward the edges. This way, no wrinkles will form, and all the embroidery is attached evenly. 

As we left 0,5 cm edges without the glue, you will need to secure the corners of the embroidery. Apply some glue directly on the corner of the fabric and press it to the paper card. Repeat it with all the corners.

Leave it to dry for 20 min.

Make a Christmas card with your embroidery

Your card is ready! Send some love!

Christmas Card Tutorial

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Disclaimer. To cover the cost of creating free embroidery patterns and video tutorials for this blog, I do sometimes link to products. Please assume these links are affiliate links. If you choose to buy through my links then THANK YOU! – it will make it possible for me to keep doing this.

Beechwood embroidery hoops Etsy
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Embroidery Scissors Etsy
Embroidery Scissors
Bohin Embroidery Needles Etsy
Bohin Embroidery Needles
Friction Pens Etsy
Friction pens
Square blank cards with envelopes on Etsy | FifisHandcrafted
Square blank cards
DMC Embroidery Floss Etsy
DMC Embroidery Floss
Tacky Glue Sticks on Amazon
Tacky Glue Sticks
Organic linen fabric on Etsy
Organic linen fabric

Send Some Love!

Make more cards, write a lovely personal message inside and hurry out to the post office!

I am an expat, and it’s not so easy to meet up with my family for Christmas every year. For this reason, I send traditional paper Christmas greeting cards via snail mail yearly. I make about twenty of them and send them out to my family and friends at the beginning of December. Believe me, they do not go unnoticed!

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