Hand Embroidery Stitch Library A-Z
Stitch library A-Z is the list of hand embroidery stitches and techniques grouped by alphabet names. Click on the title, and you will find more information about the stitch or technique and a short video tutorial.
- Backstitch
- Backstitched Chain Stitch
- Barb Stitch
- Barred Chain Stitch
- Basket Stitch
- Basque Knot
- Basque Stitch
- Berwick Stitch
- Bi-Colored Fly Stitch
- Blanket Stitch
- Blanket Stitch Filling
- Blanket Stitch Filling in Circles
- Blanket Stitch Sewing
- Bokhara Couching
- Brick Stitch
- Bullion Knot Stitch
- Bulls Head Stitch
- Burden Stitch
- Butterfly Chain Stitch
- Buttonhole Bar
- Buttonhole Shading
- Buttonhole Stitch
- Buttonhole Wheel
- Cable Chain Stitch
- Ceylon Stitch
- Chain stitch (regular and reverse)
- Chain Stitch Filling
- Chevron Stitch
- Chevron Stitch Filling
- Closed Blanket Stitch
- Closed Cretan Stitch
- Closed Fly Stitch
- Closed Herringbone Stitch
- Colonial Knot
- Connected Fly Stitch
- Coral Stitch
- Corded Detached Blanket Stitch
- Couching Stitch
- Couching Stitch Filling
- Cretan Stitch
- Cross Stitch
- Crossed Blanket Stitch
- Crossed Fly Stitch Filling
- Crown Stitch
- Darning Stitch
- Detached Chain Stitch
- Detached Woven Picot Stitch
- Double Blanket Stitch
- Double Cross Stitch
- Double Chevron Stitch
- Double Chevron Stitch Filling
- Double Feather Stitch
- Double Lazy Daisy Stitch
- Double Threaded Back Stitch
- Double Threaded Running Stitch
- Duplicate Stitch
- Magic Chain Stitch
- Maidenhair Stitch
- Meandering Stitch (Parallel Running Stitch)
- Mirrored Blanket Stitch
- Open Backstitch
- Open Chain Stitch
- Otomi Stitch
- Outline Stitch
- Overlock Stitch
- Satin Stitch
- Scallop Stitch
- Scotch Darning Stitch
- Scottish Cretan Stitch
- Scroll Stitch
- Seed Stitch (Rice Stitch)
- Sewing with Blanket Stitch
- Single Feather Stitch
- Sinhalese Chain Stitch
- Sorbello Stitch
- Split Backstitch
- Split Stitch
- Split Stitch Filling
- Star Stitch
- Stem Stitch
- Stem Stitch Filling
- Stepped Running Stitch
- Straight Stitch
- Sun Wheel Stitch
- Surface Satin Stitch
Embroidery techniques and tips
- Long and Short Stitch for Round Shapes. Learn how to Embroider a Sphere and a Circle
- How to start and end embroidery stitches
- How to transfer a pattern with the lightbox method
- How to transfer embroidery pattern with tissue paper
- How to clean pattern transfer marks from fabric
- Difference between Blanket and Buttonhole stitches